REHEARSALS will take place Monday through Thursdays and go from 6:30 to 9:00pm. This means that you are there and READY TO WORK at 6:30pm - not strolling in with a half-eaten takeout bag. All of the dates below are subject to change - please let me know of any potential conflicts. Keep in mind that Convocation is Monday, August 27.
Wed. Aug. 29 ........First Read Thru
Thur. 30 ................Table Work
Monday through Thursdays from 6:30 to 9:00pm
Sat. Oct 20 ............Technical Rehearsal, Time TBA
Sun. 21 ...................First Dress Rehearsal
Mon. 22 .................Dress Rehearsal
Tue. 23 ..................Dress Rehearsal
Wed. 24 .................Invited Dress Reh. (other schools, Faculty, etc.)
Thur. 25 ................Opening Night @ 8pm
Fri. 26 ....................Performance @ 8pm
Sat. 27 ...................Performance @ 8pm
Sun. 28 ..................Performance @ 8pm