Departing Seniors, farewell: Beeson, Atkinson, Hoptry, Washburn, Scovil, Kotrady, Evins, Moseley, Schumaker, Cull, Willis, Dailey, Porter, McLane and McEniry.
wow. That's a ton of people.
Best of luck to all of you in college. I fully expect each of you to do as your predecessors have done and visit CCES a few times in your Freshman year, maybe once or twice in your Sophomore year, then never again. Please try and stay involved in the theater of higher education; all of you have the chops to do so and get good parts.
Next year's FALL DRAMA will most likely be the week before Halloween, and will most likely be RHINOCEROS, by Eugene Ionseco, so try and make it back to check it out.
keep looking here over the Summer for updates.