This year's fall drama will enjoy a shorter rehearsal process (about 7 weeks) and perform the week before Halloween (Auditions will be on Sept. 03.) There are lots of cool activities surrounding this production, like workshops with Shannon Robert (Scene Design) and Jayce Tromsness (Voice), and I think I'm safe in saying that RHINOCEROS will be one of the most amazing shows ever offered at CCES. The scene design alone is going to blow your heads off. All that being said, there are now scripts available at the front office of the Upper School. Those of you who are serious about getting major roles should get familiar with the script NOW, before the wave of academia hits you. and please remember that the copy you take will be used in rehearsal, so TAKE CARE OF IT! And there will be cuts to the script, to take a little of the fat out, but we won't get to those until the first read-thru. Feel free to use this blog to post comments about the script, etc.
and by the way, if you want to see one of the coolest things ever, go to this link where you can manipulate RADIOHEAD's latest video on your own, through a new data tracking device. Just wait for it to load, then move your mouse around on the screen while it plays.