You don't need to worry about Auditions. It won't be that bad. Go and run back to the children, Julie; they need you.
Here are the scenes for Wednesday's Auditions in the Drama Room at 7 PM:
Schill, Mayor, Teacher - page 5 (Mayor's line) "I ought to have a few details..." to page 7 (Mayor's line) "If it only works out according to plan"
Koby, Loby, Policeman - pages 15 and 16
Claire, Schill - Act One, scene 3 (we won't do all of it, but be familiar with the scene)
Butcher, Schill, Hecht - page 35 (Butcher's line) "Look at her..." to page 36 (Hecht's line) "Chalk it up"
Schill, Pastor - Act Two, scene 4
Claire, Teacher, Doctor - Act Three, scene 1 (we won't do the whole thing)
Frau Schill, Butcher - page 54
You need to have read the entire play before auditions. There will not be any copies of audition scenes provided, you must bring the script you currently have. If you forget it, that's your problem - and might tell me something about your level of commitment. Feel free to post a comment, telling me who you're interested in - or you can indicate that on the night of. Don't worry about accents, but if you want to make a character choice that's entirely up to you. Don't worry if the part you want isn't in the scene selection; several roles are interchangeable (Butcher, Hecht, Painter), so if you read for one you kind of read for all. And I might ask you to read for a part you weren't considering. I'm looking forward to this, and apparently you guys like the script! We'll all meet in the Drama Room for a quick chat before we get started. see you there!
hey mr. sims. ive never done a play before but i really want to do this. I've read the script and i really like it, the plot line makes me laugh, i like claire her honesty is pretty baffling, the blind pair remind me of tweedle dee and tweedle dum in alice in wonderland...i like them....see you wed -alex
Looking forward to it! Everybody: Don't forget your script!
hey mr. sims, so yeah auditions were today at 7pm in the drama room, and I wasnt there (not that you noticed) but i really wanted to be there. the reason i wasnt is because my sister is getting married on saturday and she freaked a little on me, lets put it this way... there was no way come hell or high water that i could have been there. But I have always always always always wanted to tryout for the play. always. but im kind of shy when it comes to performing, but i think i could be good at it. If I could persuade you to allow me to audition for you in some shape or form please do let me know. I hope you will consider me, ask Maddi Hoptry, she knows that i have been excited about this. Thanks for your time and i hope you laughed at auditions.peace. -Alex- (by the way if you havent already seen it im e-mailing this to you)..................................................... :)
you guys have made this really hard to cast. Everybody did a great job at auditions, so now I have some tough decisions. Just remember that a lot of things go into who gets what part; the auditions, of course, and chemistry. You may have been perfect for a certain part, but due to others and where they are placed, I might need you elsewhere... and if you look through the script it becomes obvious that every part is sizeable; especially compared to 7 PLAYS. I might be getting close to a cast tonight... will keep ya'll posted.
Sims...I am probably speaking for everyone when I say I am dying from suspense!! I keep checking and rechecking this blog. I wish we had a definite time to look on it. (subtle hint)
Just a thought to help us all not become paranoid computer huggers,
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