Over the next month or so I want to hear from you, and here's what I need: images, certain lines in the play, observations, music, ANYTHING that makes you think of the character. You can sketch an idea for a hat, mustache, costume, mask; ALL IDEAS ARE WELCOME. Email me with whatever pops into your precious young minds. I'll be waiting in my Ivory Tower of knowledge.
Ok. I will submit to you, but just this once.
When I think of Claire, I think of 1920's ivory gowns with beads and sequins. I think of elegance and poise. Mainly, I think of white things (this is not a racist comment and NOT innuendo). If she had a mask it would be porcelain white with rosy cheeks and cold eyes. I think she's kind of a regal character so I also think of beautiful and queen-like clothes. But most of all, I think of her pain. When I think of her broken heart and broken body something like a cane fits into my mind. Not a regular wooden cane though, but like the one Samuel L JAckson uses in "Unbreakable"... something spectacular, but fierce and cold.
Claire fits into the 1920's in the fashion sense (not the flapper style, but the evening style). She kind of makes me think of Irene Dunne or Lauren Baccall. I guess Lauren Bacall more so because of her sense of sureness and how she's beautiful, but mysteriously wintry at the same time. I don't think that she has the frovlity of Ginger Rogers in her, but more of a tempestuous nature.
Anything else Dave, my darling?
great observations. this is the kind of detail we need - and it'll fit right in with the concept of the show. I'll post a full account of the style/concept soon.
yeah sorry that iv havnt responded in a while but here goes. At the start of the play i see Schill as a poor but happy man. Gray hair is starting to creep in and maybe even glasses. Cloaths like slacks and a white button shirt and an overcoat. These cloaths are old and possible torn. However,when they were fist put out on the market they were the best money could buy. This shows not only that he is poor but also that the town has fallen on hard times. He feels that although he is poor that the town is on his side and believes that the future for himself and his family is bright due to the fact that he has been told that he wil succed the mayor. During the later half of the play Schill realizes that he will have to die as one by one each of the townspeople show signs of betrayl. In the end he accepts his fate but decides to die with dignity. Thats all iv got for now. Just so you know ill be at a french immersion course for a month. but iv already learned most of the play and i made some coppies of the script so i can still practice ill be back on the 18th of Augest
So I don't know if this is possible BUT in act three: scene two, after the wedding the butcher is talking to Frau Schill and he says something about the bridesmaid that I think is funny and I have this very specific image in my head about this one line... "Every bridesmaid was a film starlet. With breasts like this." now I don't know how appropriate this would be, but I want to have actual chicken breasts on the table and pick them up and hold them in the place where the would go (if you catch my drift) and kinda look down at them... It seems funny in my head... and I think it would be funny because I'm actually a girl... possible this is only funny to me...?
john, good summary of Schill's story. I encourage everyone to write a small objective summary of your characters' stories.
Grace. you're just demented, that's all. There is potential for some pretty funny moments throughout the play, so please write all of these down (of course the ones on this blog will stay here.) But it would be good to keep all of your ideas in one place; the blank pages in your script or a notebook. I suggest each actor getting a small journal-style book, like a moleskin at Barnes & Noble or something, for observations and questions as we go along. We will work through those ideas in the rehearsal process.
Dearest Sims,
I have some sketches I would like to send to you in an e-mail. Which e-mail should I use?
1. Station Master- He (I'm just going to use that term for now instead of 'she') seems very proud of his job and position. The way he goes out to salute every last passing tain, he seems attentive almost to the point of absurdity. He wants everyone to know that he's important, even if in the grand scheme of things, since many of the trains have stopped making stops in their little town, his job is really not that significant.
2.Frau Shill- Seems a little quick to abandon her husband after receiving such shocking news. She kind of strikes me as a woman aged past her years. She is frail and easily persuaded. Once she decides that her husband was in the wrong(or at least says so, being convinced by the money), I feel like she seems to develop as a character.
Yeah, I think that the Frau is one of the characters that submits to the cozy greed that's taking over the town. Your observations are spot-on and I can't wait to see your sketches.
By the way, any of you can send ideas, sketches, pictures, whatever, to simsd@cces.org
for the citizens 1,2,3 i think that they should be trying to hold on to a bit of proper clothing but in a ragged way, like suit coats with holes and dirty like they still have some dignity but they are obviosly poor. and i think the shoes should be a big emphasis in the play, shiny and white
also for the set i think it would be really cool if little changes went on during the show and the towns look seems to be improving slowly
that's exactly right. the whole town will gradually "improve" as the show goes on, and that's also evident in the shoes. Lots of people acquire yellow shoes later in the play, which was a sign of wealth in Russia and Europe at the time.
yeah i meant yeallow my b :)
1) I wrote basically this message a few weeks ago; now I'm not sure if you just didn't publish it or if it didn't go through but here I am... writing it again.
2) BOO SIMS! I am NOT demented. I simply just wanted to point out the fact that even at a wedding the butcher could find something related to butchery... aka CHICKEN breasts. But hey, if that's too "demented" or "unethical" then by all means we don't have to do it. I never meant to insult. I know how the administration is and I really hate being the object of their "affection". Though I do think that's the sort of thing he would do... kinda joke around with the people he talks too... who else is there to talk too in a butcher shop? dead cows? he maybe creepy but not insane.
Also for the Ticket Inspector, I imagine him to be very dedicated. Even though his roll is wee (little) he still is very dedicated to those damn trains! "Our first duty is to our time-table!" and even after he realizes who Clair is he is still concerned about the train. It can wait for Clair (aka Money Money Money)!
but please correct me if I'm way off here...
I must not have received your previous post, or I may have burned it. Anyway, yes those are good ideas; we'll just have to see if it works in the scene. I encourage everybody to bring as many choices and ideas to rehearsal as possible. ...and right on about the Station Master.
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